It is my experience that when we treat all that arises as a flower in God’s garden, we get the combined benefits of top down and bottom up healing.
Top Down (positive psychology…):
All by itself, remembering that everything is a flower in God’s garden, has a salutary effect on the climate of our body mind.
Developing regular practice of welcoming all that arises and all that we encounter with an openness to discovering it’s sometimes hidden divinity, allows sunlight to bathe and nourish our self-relational and the larger relational field. This is kind of a positive psychology, top down kind of practice.
Bottom up (transformational):
Additionally, when we skillfully deploy a tool like IFS to bring greater refinement to our welcoming all parts of life, these aspects of life, even the most difficult, cannot help but relax and reveal the divinity, the blessings that they cannot help but bear. This is a process of transformation, transmutation, alchemy, of turning apparent dross into gold.
Good therapy helps us become co-creators of an inner and outer world that is bathed in light, that is luminous with the radiance that animates all creation. We also serve creation by participating in releasing and revealing this inner light. *
*This may sound esoteric and fluffy. IT IS NOT. By performing some of the injunctions explored in this site, we can, each of, us determine for ourselves the veracity of what I am describing.