EMDR: Using eye movements, gentle tapping, or sound, to alternately stimulate the right and then the left sides of our brain, EMDR interrupts the rigid and reactive pattern of our brain. While we focus on the center of our dysfunctional pattern, on the dysfunctional core belief, and the felt presence of pain or fear, EMDR gently nudges first one and then the other side of our brain inviting each hemisphere with their different inherent forms of intelligence, to be awake to the unprocessed material. The back and forth prevents the brain from falling back into stuckness and allows the two hemispheres, in conjunction with the deeper structures of the brain that carry the wound to cooperate and restore the brain’s natural wholeness making processes In a sense, EMDR helps to jump start and restore the brain’s organic capacity to heal itself.
In order to transform and heal old wounds, we must access the deeper structures of the brain where, it is theorized/believed, that traumatic experiences are stored. EMDR seems to foster a connection between the deeper and harder to access structures of the brain, and the front of our brain.
EMDR nudges the brain into a rhythmic groove so that its natural healing abilities are restored and allowed to operate on the unifinished business of this or that memory.